Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bonnie Hunter in Ann Arbor

Bonnie Hunter's lecture for the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild yesterday was a blast.  She has gorgeous quilts with thousands of pieces, lots of advice on how to store your scraps, and a very engaging speaking style that was wonderful to hear.  These are only 2 of the many, many quilts that she shared.  The first is string pieced and the other is a lovely hexie.  She said that the hexies were done in spare moments and took a couple years (more than 5000 hexies).  I really love this setting for the hexagon quilt.  Her advice for finishing the complex borders that she puts on her quilts was her best advice for me.  She cuts the border pieces with the center design and pieces them together as enders and leaders with the center design, so when you are done with the center, you have most of the border completed too.  That complex border, that would never have been done if I had started it after the center was done, is done too.  Take her classes, purchase her books, and hear her lecture if you get a chance.  Thanks Bonnie, for a lovely show.  My friend and I enjoyed it immensely.     


  1. I would love to see Bonnie one day - I admire her work also and followed her making of the hexie quilt for quite some time and was glad to see she had finished it.

    1. She was wonderful to hear and her quilts positively glow with color.

  2. Someday, I'd like to hear her speak!
