Monday, August 27, 2012

The Orange and Blue at the AQS Show

 I love these quilts.  The first 4 were part of the Gwen Marston exhibit at the AQS Show in Grand Rapids this week.  The really cool log cabin is by Jennifer Emry in Va.  Aren't they wonderful?


  1. I know blue and orange are complimentary but I just can't bring myself to use a lot of orange with my blues yet. They look good here though.

  2. I must confess, the orange with blue is so striking. I tend to use it more with the yellows and reds and now I know I could use more bright blues!

  3. I agree, I would not have used the orange with blue either, but I do love how it looks.

  4. I just love the orange & blue quilt. I have used orange & blue before, but with more blue than orange. This balance is very striking!!
